Our Brand Story

The way we look at health care is changing. At Aetna, we are working every day to better meet your needs and see health care from your perspective. We want to make it easier for you to live healthier.

Please watch the video to hear our story


Connecting you to healthier living.
We want to be there for you when and where you need us. With tools like Aetna's Mobile App you can access your health records, view claims, get reminders for tests, find in-network doctors all from your smart phone. With our Payment Estimator, you can see, compare and choose costs before you go to a doctor. And Aetna's Personal Health Record helps keep all your family medical records in one, secure place. It can even alert you about potential medical issues.

Knowing about your health and your family's health should be second nature. Feeling confident about your health decisions should be the norm. Living healthier should be easier. We want to help you get there.

Our new logo reflects this promise.
Vibrant. Energetic. Flexible. It shows our passion for helping you feel confident in your health care decisions, fitting into your life, and making it easier for you to live healthier. Connecting you to quality health plans, healthier living, financial well-being, and intelligent solutions.

With Aetna, the power of health is in your hands.

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).